My luckie day

There was a lot of information to take from Lori Merricks presentation on Friday. Along with scaring half the class away from PR with her blunt honesty,  she also gave some helpful insights concerning the world of Public Relations. Lori started the presentation by giving a list of things PR is and what PR isn’t.  She stated that PR is about results, hits, and placements, strategic function that uses research, analysis, and planning to develope smart campaigns, conversation start and prolonger, about genuine human connections, an expert in their client’s industry, able to outline crisis communications strategies and implement them, and an industry for writers, researchers, lovers of communications, and news.

However, her list of what PR is not really caught my attention. She explained that PR is not the department whose sole purpose is to write, edit and hawk press releases, ever 100% controllable, an avenue for event planners, the adversary of media, publicity, advertising, or for bad writers. I was very surprised that press releases were not being used as frequently any more. Lori’s advice on telling a story was my personal favorite. She said to know my story, prove it, and have a clear call to action. 

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