John Richardson’s advice for PR students

On Friday, Feb. 24th, John Richardson came to speak to the Principles of PR class. Richardson, a freelance PR practitioner who specializes in digital content, provided several key takeaways from his presentation.

  • Public Relations is changing, and it is becoming increasingly based in digital and social media. Get involved now in the digital world of PR by reading PR blogs and following PR experts on Twitter.
  • Despite the constant change in the industry, the three main points that are covered in public relations are social media, crisis control, and traditional media relations.
  • It is crucial for those in the field to stay up on the trends in social media in order to represent their company well. Whether it’s Pinterest or a new version of Facebook, you always need to be doing the next new thing first.

Richardson ended his presentation with a very important phrase to remember when working in public relations. He said, “Be humane, be human, and be humble.”

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